Frequently asked questions

This section should help answer some of the questions we are commonly asked. It is a continually evolving page and will be added to when we receive more ‘frequently asked questions’!

Please do read the Application Guidance Notes before submitting an application. And contact the Merlin Trust if you can’t find the answer to your question in the notes or in the FAQs below.

Do you accept group applications?

No. The Merlin Trust is focused on supporting individuals develop their practical horticulture career so each application must be from an individual and the application must detail how the intended visit or activity will benefit your professional and personal development. If you wish to travel with others, we do accept applications from any eligible members of the group but it must be an individual application.

Who should I ask to provide a reference?

Ideally, this should be two people who have worked with the you for at least two years in a horticultural context. As a young person or someone new to the sector, this might be difficult so we would accept one reference from someone you have worked with/for in other sectors (for at least two years), volunteered for, or someone who was your teacher or lecturer. One reference must relate to a horticultural context even if it is from someone you have worked with for a limited time. Personal references are not acceptable unless there are mitigating circumstances: please contact us outlining the mitigating circumstances.

We also need to receive the references directly from the referees and not sent by you with your application. This helps us to ensure that the reference is from a real person!

I’m planning to undertake a degree. Can I apply to the Merlin Trust to help with course fees or to contribute to my other living costs?

No. The Merlin Trust does not fund higher or further education courses, nor do we contribute to course fees for professional horticultural qualifications such as RHS L2. We do support short courses with a strong practical horticulture aspect if it will provide you with valuable skills to help develop your career. These do not include professional tickets which should be supported by your employer or through funding from other organisations. If you are unsure whether your course is eligible, do contact the Merlin Trust with details of your course.

I’m not British or Irish nor am I studying for a full-time professional horticulture qualification in the UK or Ireland. Am I still eligible for funding?

If you have permission to live and work in the UK and Ireland, and you are working in the horticultural sector, you should be eligible for funding if you are under 35 years of age or within the first five years of your horticultural career. If in doubt, do get in touch before submitting an application.

I’m not sure if my project idea is eligible. Should I submit an application form to see if it is?

Before you take the time and effort to complete an application form, get in touch with the Merlin Trust Secretary with a few details of your proposed visit/project/activity/course. The Secretary will advise on whether your proposal is eligible and provide some useful tips if it is!

I’m not planning on seeking additional funding: will you still consider my application?

We will but you are more likely to be successful if you can demonstrate that you are looking at different funding streams. You will also need to make a personal contribution to show you are committed to your project.

If you would like more information on different funders and bursaries, do take a look at the Chartered Institute of Horticulture ‘Bursaries and Grants’ webpage:

I’m planning on travelling within six weeks: can I still apply?

We stipulate that applications should be submitted at least six weeks before your intended departure date. Even if it is 5 weeks and 6 days between submission and your intended departure date, we will not consider your application. The six week deadline is not negotiable. The longer the interval between submission and departure, the better as this might allow for resubmission based on reviewers comments: application success is higher the longer the interval.

Please also note that your application will only be considered to have been submitted if we have also received both of your references by the six week deadline.

I’ve included garden entry fees in my application but the award offer does not include these costs – why?

The Merlin Trust expects applicants to contact the gardens/sites they would like to visit as they are developing their application form so that they can arrange formal visits to the garden/site. A formal visit allows Merlins to meet the garden team, have an opportunity to see ‘behind the scenes’ and hence obtain a more rounded experience of the garden. It is also crucial for developing networks and connections with other horticulturists. Most gardens would waive the entry fee for such a visit as they are keen to help develop. promote and share horticultural skills. It is acknowledged that some might still charge but if this is evidenced in the application form as contact being made but the cost not being waived, we might consider this as a necessary cost depending on the individual situation.

What are ineligible costs?

The Merlin Trust will not fund equipment, books or other consumables. For a full list, please read the Guidance for Applicants.

I’m planning on travelling alone and have prepared a self-guided tour, would this be okay?

If you are touring gardens and have made contact with the garden teams to arrange visits, completed a risk assessment and aren’t travelling to a country or area that the British/Irish Governments advise against travel, than solo travelling is permitted. If you are planning on exploring wider countryside areas, such as hiking in mountains or other habitats, the Merlin Trust would prefer to see that a knowledgeable guide or appropriate tour operator has been secured. This should not only increase the safety of the visit but would also mean that more can be obtained from the visit, ensuring that local knowledge is used to visit the best sites or areas of botanical interest. A comprehensive risk assessment would also be required. Travel insurance is required for ALL travel, irrespective of destination, and should be suitable for all intended activity.

I have received a Merlin Trust award but my plans have had to change, can I still use it for another visit or project?

No. The award is made to you based on your application form and any subsequent requests for information that the Merlin Trust might seek from you. If your visit/project diverts from the intended itinerary, please get in touch with the Merlin Trust Secretary to discuss. We do, however, recognise that once your visit is underway, there might need to be changes due to unforeseen or unexpected circumstances that arise. Please do get in contact on your return to outline how these changes impacted on your intended visit/project as you might need to return some of your award if there was a substantial change to your plans.