It can be daunting completing an application form for a grant for the Merlin Trust, and then arranging your travel/tour so we wanted to try and make the final report writing step as easy as possible for all Merlins!
When you accept funding from the Merlin Trust, you also agree to submit a report within three months of returning from your tour/visit. We realise that this is probably the last thing your want to do after all the work you have put into preparation and delivery of your tour but it is an imprtant record of your visit and will be an excellent reference document for you in years to come. It can also demonstrate to future employers your report writing skills which all horticulturists do need even if you are choosing a more practical career pathway. But it need not be complicated or too time consuming.
The guidance (see button below) we have produced should ensure you get the key text into the document and shows that you can be as inventive as you want in how you display this information. Do check the report archive pages on the website for how previous Merlins have compiled their reports, and look out for those marked VF or CB as these are prize-winners.